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Akachachukwu Morphs into the Trilogy
Terra Kulture – 5 Qualitites to look out for in Nigerian leaders
Terra Kulture - 5 Qualitites to look out for in nigerian leadersLeadership has always been a very big challenge in Nigeria. It has been uneasy to find competent and efficient leaders capable of turning Nigeria’s potentials into a reality. There is need for moral...
Terra Kulture – Nigerian States and Their Natural Resources
Terra Kulture Introducing the Nigerian States and Their Natural Resources Nigeria has a lot of natural landmarks, wildlife reserves and natural resources. These constitutes what makes them one of the most blessed nations in the world. With 36 States (37, if we include...
Terra Kulture – Famous and Expensive Nigerian art works
11 Famous and Expensive Nigerian art works Art is famous in Africa and it is closely intertwined in the history of the continent. In the absence of history books, artworks and artifacts have been used to pass down information about our culture from generation to...
Terra Kulture – 10 Original African Nigerian Proverbs
Terra Kulture Presents 10 Original African Nigerian Proverbs - Words of Wisdom Proverbs are a huge part of the African culture. And Nigeria as the giant of Africa takes utmost pride in its words of wisdom. These proverbs are witty, funny, and sometimes, may sound...
Terra Kulture – The value of art work – part 2
How do you find out if a particular piece of work is valuable? Here are 15 ways through which you can determine value of art. 1. The artist You should find out the identity of the artist. A popular artist usually means higher value. 2. Certificate of authenticity. 3....
Terra Kulture – The value of art work – part 1
How can you determine the value of art work? – 10 ways you can increase the value of your artwork. A big and recurring question artists have, one which is very important to the growth of an artist is; how do I make my work valuable? Some artists underrate their work...
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