Terra Kulture – 5 Qualitites to look out for in Nigerian leaders

by | Aug 1, 2021 | 0 comments

Terra Kulture – 5 Qualitites to look out for in nigerian leaders

Leadership has always been a very big challenge in Nigeria. It has been uneasy to find competent and efficient leaders capable of turning Nigeria’s potentials into a reality. There is need for moral education, value reevaluation and reorientation of Nigerian politicians in order to make them better leaders.

In recent times, a lot of Nigerians have become oblivious to what good leadership looks like. There are several qualities that qualifies a leader as good and makes him or her worthy of the title.

The Qualities Nigerians Need in Their Leaders

Nigerians have gone through eras of incompetent leadership. Though the country is extremely rich in resources, the citizens have been unable to reap the full benefits of living in Nigeria.
What qualities do we need to look out for in our leaders? Here are some of them:

1. Respect For The Rule Of Law

Over the years, we’ve come to realize that Nigerian leaders do not have enough respect for the law. They cut corners because they want things done as it pleases them. Nigeria deserve leaders that will be guided by the precepts of the law and follow it to the latter, regardless of position or power.

2. 100% Against Corruption

Of all the qualities Nigerians expect their leaders to have, this is the most important. A Nigerian leader must have integrity, uprightness and discipline. He or she must not tolerate corruption in any way, and be ready to persecute anybody that is found to be corrupt. The leaders must lead by example, must be transparent and be ready to persecute found to be correct within the government.

3. Pro-youth

According to Nigerian demography, youths within the ages of 18-30 years constitute about 60% of the country’s population. Nigerian leaders should be able to work with the youths and should focus on this growing population. They should be able to drive policies that will encourage the youths to become better people for themselves in particular and for the country in general.

4. Must be a Unifier

A Nigerian leader must be able to manage the affairs of his or her constituency. A good leader should be able to unify his people against the elements that seek to divide the country, state or local government which they’re in charge of. The leaders’ appointment must reflect the representation of the unity of Nigeria.

5. Honesty

Honesty is a virtue that everyone should have, particularly leaders. Honesty is one of the most important qualities Nigerians need in their leaders. Honesty breeds trust and that is one thing that is lacking between the government and the masses. Leaders who can be open and truthful about their dealings with national resources and all things concerning the people are exactly what Nigerians need.


On a large scale, what Nigeria needs to become the giant of Africa (in truth and not just in words) are leaders who have these qualities and more. In the coming elections, these are qualities Nigerians must look out for before voting leaders into office. Nigeria can be all that we want it to be – we just need the right leaders.


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