Terra Kulture – The value of art work – part 1

by | Jul 8, 2021 | 0 comments

How can you determine the value of art work? – 10 ways you can increase the value of your artwork.

A big and recurring question artists have, one which is very important to the growth of an artist is; how do I make my work valuable? Some artists underrate their work because they do not see or think they’re creating any value, a wrong perception. Here are 10 unique and simple ways you can instantly add value to your art

1. Provide a background information template to make the buyer feel a historical connection with your artwork

As an artist, you value your work and see the details that led up to the finished product, but the audience does not see them that way at a glance, a few lines containing such details would go a long way.

2. Get a certificate of authenticity

This tells the audience not only that you own the original idea that gave birth to the physical art, but also that you are serious about it and if you value your work, maybe they should. Moreover, if you don’t, then why should they?

3. Make a video biography of your work.

Imagine a video on YouTube of Vincent Van Gogh explaining how he got inspired to make one of his paintings, the ceremony that would surround such a painting because of a short video description would most possibly make that particular painting more valuable than all the others. The simple charm of effort, a display of ranking for the painting instantly sells a notion of importance, one that every art aficionado will instantly be drawn to.

4. Message, emotions (eg nostalgia) and using it to connect with an audience

Napalm, One of political artist Banksy’s famous works.

Powerful art triggers emotions, and human beings are emotional creatures, we value that which gets us to care. Making art that triggers emotions, be it nostalgia, political, support etc captures an audience and instantly has highetened value compared to others.

5. Identify who it is you want your work to appeal to.

Identifying a particular audience for your work helps you focus on producing art that would be valuable to that group of people

6. Build a reputation

Napalm, One of political artist Banksy’s famous works.
They say a good name is better than silver and gold, but as an artist, a good name equals a lot of silver and gold! Many times the value of art isn’t just in the art itself but mainly the creator.

7. Use the highest quality materials possible.

It is embarrassing to see your work falling apart due to low-quality materials, and it is rewarding to see your work better because you used good materials in production.

8. Package your art properly and in a classy way.

Napalm, One of political artist Banksy’s famous works.
Good packaging not only protects your work during transportation but also sells up the value.

9. Exhibit your art.

Napalm, One of political artist Banksy’s famous works.
Don’t keep your work stored in your cupboard gathering dust. Look for hot spots and display your art in a well-lit environment. Let people see your art!

10. Do not talk down about yourself and the quality of your work

Be confident about your creations and never apologize for them. The value you place on your work would make others see the value too.


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