“Saro: The Musical” is an electrifying musical play set in the vibrant city of Lagos, Nigeria, that follows the dreams and challenges of three talented boys – Azeez, Laitan, and Efe – hailing from the humble village of Kutuwenji, where they were local sensations. Driven by their passion for music and the desire for greater success, the trio embarks on a life-altering journey to the bustling metropolis of Lagos.
As they arrive in Lagos, filled with hopes and aspirations, they quickly encounter the harsh realities of the city, including a “special” welcome to the city by area boys that lands them in jail. Their luck however, takes a dramatic turn when they are discovered by a seemingly benevolent music producer, Don Ceeto. With Don Ceeto making grand promises of fame and fortune the boys are thrilled and eagerly believe that their dreams are finally within reach. But all is not what it seems
As the boys navigate the treacherous path to stardom, they must confront their own vulnerabilities and the deception of those they trust. Will they remain true to their roots and their friendship, or will the allure of fame tear them apart?
“Saro: The Musical ” is an unforgettable tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the enduring power of music in the heart of Nigeria’s bustling entertainment industry.